How Many Volts in a Dog Shock Collar? All You Need to Know
As any dog owner knows, the use of shock collars is an intensely debated issue inside the dog community. Some people swear by using them, and others see their purpose as cruel. Due to this, it’s essential to have all the information possible about shock collars before deciding on using them. You don’t want to get sucked into using or not using them based on someone pushing their agenda onto you. By answering the following two questions (how many volts in a dog shock collar, can a shock collar kill (hurt) a dog), this article will help you make an informed decision about whether or not shock collars are a product you want to use. Although, before we answer these two pivotal questions, it’s important we go over what exactly is a shock collar. What is a Shock Collar? Dogdog Bha - A shock collar looks like a regular dog collar with a small box that has two metal electrodes. The collar is put around your dog’s neck to ensure the electrodes press against your dog’s...