Some Misconceptions about Pinch Collar

There is a lot of dissension about the use of this training tool. Some dog owners simply dislike using this collar because they think it can hurt their dog. But it is indispensable to teach the dogs good behavior. Moreover, I have talked with many professional trainers and they show me pinch collars are misunderstood by a lot of dog owners.

Prong Collar Hurts Your Dog

It is a common misconception that, pinch collar hurts the dog’s trachea and wound the skin. That’s why pet proprietors have a kind of fear about this training tool. Actually, it is totally wrong because the links only affect the skin of the dog, doesn’t directly reaches the trachea.

Most collars do not put pressure to trachea unless it strangles the dog. As a dog owner or professional dog trainer, you should never strangle your dog even when train him. It is very unethical and ineffective to do so.

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