Things You Need to Know Before Using Prong Collar

Considered as A Life-Saving Tool

Sometimes the prong collar can be work as your dog’s life-saving tool. Many pet proprietors don’t willing to take their dogs at outdoor because they can’t control them for aggressive behavior. At outdoor, dog pulls, lunges or run desultory, and it becomes risky for their life. Otherwise, when a dog continuously lives at home without taking a walking or regular exercise it can practice bad manners at home like barking, chewing or jumping. Day by day, these aggressive behaviors can reach at out of control for their owners and the owner becomes fed up and decides to leave them from home. In this case, the proper use of a prong collar may build a nice relationship between dog and owner and save the dog’s life.

Not all prong collars work same: There are various manufacturing companies have designed collars with different features to train dogs. Renowned brands use high-quality material with a rounded point on the tips so that they do not poke to the dog’s neck.

According to collar feature and dog’s behavior, trainers should choose the right one. Try to be confident and be fair while communicate with your pooch through collar item. Repeat the same instruction for a long time so that the dog understands about the command.

Read more from Dogdogbha

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